About the PTFA

Once your child becomes a student at Montpelier Primary School, all parents and caretakers are automatically part of the PTFA, which means you are part of the community that comes together throughout the year to help raise funds and run events for the school.

The PTFA committee is a team of volunteer parents and carers who manage the association on behalf of the members. The committee are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). There are various types of volunteers such as types of committee members with specific roles (see above ) Class Reps and ALL parents who work alongside the committee to help organise fundraising events and vote on how funds will be spent.

2023-2024 PTFA Committee

Chairperson: Paola Kennedy

Co-Chairs: Rohit Mittal and Lauren Nitschneider

Secretary: Tara Benedetti

Assistant Treasurer: Truc Bishnani

Co-Treasurers: Aasif Abrahaim, Rhyme El Kahodi, Beata Szocs, Nisha Sethi


Publicity Officer: Kitty Mitchell

Publicity Coordinators: Tarek El Shamy and Rajat Sachdeva

Grants Officer: Vacant

Shed/Shopping Coordinator: Vacant

Pre-Loved Uniform Coordinator: Marianna Ercolino

Winter Party Leads: Kitty Mitchell, Paola Kennedy, Marianna Ercolino

 Summer Fete Leads: Claire Jones and Zainab Agha

Bake Sale Leads: Lynelle Howson, Pinder Gomez







The aim and objectives of the Parent Teachers and Friends Association are to advance the education of the pupils of the school through various fundraising activities. Being a member of the PTFA will give you a lot of pleasure and enhance your family’s relationship with the school.  Mums, dads, caretakers, staff and friends all form our friendly school community and as Year 6 parents leave the school, we welcome new parents to join.  Everyone is made welcome at any stage through their involvement with the school and it is never too late to get involved.  We are always on the lookout for new members with new and fresh ideas or helpers to run a stall at a fete for half an hour. Whatever you can put in – will be appreciated.